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Recipe: 'Sunshine Soup'

Recipe: 'Sunshine Soup'
Sunshine Soup

This recipe is my take on a soup we got hooked on at a local playgroup. It is a mega hit with all the kids (and grown ups), and has become a weekly lunch / tea in our house. A quick, easy and cheap way to get lots of goodness into kids without them really knowing it. 


- 1 Tbsp Oil
- 1 x Onion chopped
- 2 x Garlic cloves (or paste when short on time)
- Chopped veg - around a handful per person - could be carrots, sweet potatoes, red pepper, squash, pumpkin, celery
- 2 ltr stock (I use boullion, and I make it quite strong)
- Dried red lentils - approx 80g per person
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp tumeric
- 1 tsp Apple cider vinegar
- 1 tbsp nutritional yeast


1. Sweat the onion in the oil on a low heat for around 8 mins

2. Add the spices, closely followed by the garlic & veg. Stir and let it sweat over a low heat with the lid on for 3 mins

3. Add the hot stock

4. Add the lentils

5. Add more boiling water if needed, you want a ratio of roughly equal parts liquid and veg

5. Add the cider vinegar - the sourness lifts the lentil flavour

6. Cook for around 15 mins, stirring often

7. Blend with a stick blender

8. Add more stock if needed, this soup is best on the thinner side and the lentils can thicken it

9. Add a big tablespoon on nutritional yeast and stir well. This rounds up the flavour and adds extra nutrients, I find my kids love recipes with it in.

10. Taste test - season with salt & pepper

Enjoy & let me know if its a hit!